Friday, October 17, 2014

Sankofa and the B-52s

In my last email about my return trip to Glasgow, Montana, I stated the following:
"I found the best way to frame my feelings about my return to Glasgow was most recently enunciated my that suddenly profound actor Matthew McConaughey and what has become a rather talked (and ridiculed) commercial. You can find the commercial at In response to this last comment, one of my college mates mentioned Sankofa as being the term most applicable to what I was describing. While I may be a student of African history, I had never heard of Sankofa so I looked it up at 

What struck me most about this concept was the associated proverb

 "It is not wrong to go back for that which you have forgotten."

In the context of my return to Glasgow, that is largely what happened to me.  Yes, there were fond remembrances of learning to play baseball for the first time at the Air Base baseball field and the summer when I caught 18 frogs at a nearby water filled ditch and put them all in an empty milk carton.  There was also memories of enjoying school so much that I woke up early one morning and walked a mile to school in the bitter cold only to find out that I was an hour early. There was so much associated with Glasgow Air Force Base that I certainly enjoyed revisiting.  Fondest memories were of the on-base Youth Center where I first learned how to play chess, the game of Risk, bumper pool and shuffleboard games and where, for the first time in 1964, I heard music from a band from England that was dominating all the record player time.  It was a group called the Beatles and by the time I left Glasgow in the summer of 1964, I knew all the words to "I Want to Hold Your Hand".  Yes, indeed those were transformative times for me... but in "going back" I had to reflect on whether those times were really good times.  And sadly, the answer was "No".

You see, we arrived in Glasgow at the end of the summer of 1962 just in time to begin school.  Soon afterwards, the base went on a military alert and became a very busy place with a steady stream of planes (the B-52s) flying in and out.  In school, -- my nice new, integrated school -- a sudden emphasis was placed on learning how to duck and cover, not for protection from an earthquake as my California raised children have learned, but rather from the very real possibility of a nuclear attack.  You see unbeknownst to me at the time, there was a crisis going on involving an island nation in the Caribbean which brought this country seemingly very close to nuclear war. Even with all the spectre of ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Ebola, there is nothing quite as terrifying as the very real prospect of a full fledged nuclear war.  

I was only eight when we arrived in Glasgow and was only nine in 1963.  In those days, playing out in the field catching frogs was far more satisfying than being at home watching the news.  Heck, you could not get me to watch the news when I was nine years old and there was sunlight.  So I missed seeing what happened in Birmingham with the  dogs mauling some black folks that looked like me and I missed hearing Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech.  But I do remember fully hearing the principal speak over the intercom one November day to inform the class that the President - that nice looking Kennedy man -- had been assassinated in Dallas.  I remember watching my first televised news show that day and, in retrospect, my age of innocence seemed to forever disappear.

In my return to Glasgow and seeing the now weed invested  baseball field where I once developed a taste for the game, it did not escape my attention that at the same time that I was learning how to catch a baseball and play first base (and learning so pitifully how hard it can be to hit a ball when you are afraid of it), in other fields elsewhere in this land people were literally laying down their lives in order to provide me with the rights and opportunities that I now enjoy.

So yes, returning to Glasgow brought back some fond memories of youth but it also brought into play some historical perspectives which made me realize that the Good Ol' Days are really the days of today -- the moments of the right now -- and that even these days will one day pale in comparison to the Good Ol' Days of tomorrow.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Friday, October 3, 2014

Eid-al-Adha and Yom Kippur: Sacrifice and Atonement

Friday, October 3, 2014

Today, October 3, 2014, is one of the rarest of days.  Today, at sundown, two significant religious events begin, the Muslim Eid-al-Adha and the Jewish Yom Kippur.  You can read about these two religious events at

Whatever your religious persuasion (or non-persuasion) may be, I suggest that it would be a beneficial act of humanity to reflect on the meaning of these religious traditions and, perhaps, consider what it would mean if we could all share in these traditions together in love, peace, and harmony.

Take care my friends and have a blessed weekend.


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Wahhabism, Saudi Arabia, and ISIS

Thursday, October 2, 2014

On September 11, 2001, 19 hijackers executed an assault on the United States that has led to the deaths of thousands of Americans and an untold hundreds of thousands of Afghanis, Pakistanis, Iraqis and Syrians.  However, oddly enough not one of the hijackers who participated in the assault on the United States was an Afghani, or a Pakistani, or an Iraqi, or a Syrian.  No, most (15) of the hijackers were from the country that is perceived to be a friend of the United States, Saudi Arabia.  Please see

In the aftermath of the 911 attacks, an effort was made to distance the hijackers from their Saudi origin by disavowing their actions. However, others began to question those disavowals by pointing to the State religion of Saudi Arabia -- Wahhabism -- as being a contributing factor to the mindset of the hijackers.  Indeed, after the 911 attacks great concern was expressed about the Saudi support for the spread of Wahhabism throughout the world.  Please see

It is now thirteen years after 911, but the concern about the spread of Wahhabism seems to have been placed on a back burner ... until now. The abduction of over 200 school girls in Nigeria by Boko Haram and the "sudden" appearance of ISIS has brought to the fore, once again, the problem with the spread of Wahhabism.  

Indeed, last year during the height of the Syrian crisis at least one Syrian official issued a clarion call with regards to the real threat posed by the Saudi sponsored spread of Wahhabism

Now, America is once again preparing to place American soldiers in harm's way to fight a war on terror again in Iraq, and possibly Syria. The problem is that it would appear that the true enemy may not be in Iraq, nor in Syria.  The true enemy may be our friend.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Miss Israel, Dimona and the Black Hebrews

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

One of my favorite pastimes is chronicling the African diaspora.  In that regard, I have long known about the Ethiopian Jews and their return to Israel.  You can acquaint yourselves with their story at

And last year, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that an Ethiopian Jew was named Miss Israel for 2013.  So pleased was I that I actually watched the Miss Universe contest last November to catch a glimpse (fleeting as it was) of her.  But you can see more of her at

and read about her at

For me, reading stories such as the one about Yityish Titi Aynaw brings about an immense sense of hope that maybe, just maybe, this World can be made whole.

Sadly, I then come across videos such as the one prepared by David Sheen that was referenced earlier this week.  Such reports do sadden me.  However, even within the dire news that is reported therein, there was still a ray of hope. Those who watch David Sheen's video will discover that he resides in the town of Dimona, Israel.  Dimona is the name of a biblical city but today it is best known as being the home of the Black Hebrews.  The Black Hebrews are largely African American emigres to Israel who have founded their own community in the Holy Land.

Before this week I had never heard of the Black Hebrews and reading about them for the first time this week and of their lives in Israel has sparked a new interest in Israel for me.  Perhaps, by reading the following, you too will find an interest in Israel as well. 
